Stay Feeling Great With “The Functional Fitness Solution”
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With the “Functional Fitness Solution” you can put an end to the pains of aging and growing old and have all the energy you need to keep doing the things you love doing.
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With this program you will get easy to follow instructions which will help you feel 20 years younger. It was written by one of the foremost experts in fitness for 50 – 70 year old women and men.
Imagine being fit, carefree and having all the energy to do all the things you loved in your youth, whether that be playing sports, hiking, playing with your grandchildren or any kind of physical activity. You can with The Functional Fitness Solution.
Imagine having fit strong muscles and being able to enjoy physical activity with your children and grandchildren without any muscle ache or joint pains.
The Aging process is something every person will face at some point in their lives, but it doesn’t have to be a pain if you follow this program, you will stay fit and full of energy into your golden years.
With The Functional Fitness Solution you will discover renewed energy, improve your confidence, increase your fitness, stamina and endurance, and enjoy all of the activities that fit and healthy people enjoy.
The Functional Fitness Solution is more than just a fitness program. Many fitness solutions don’t have an impact on your life and fitness, they may be long and gruelling leaving you exhausted. Many fitness programs are just not designed for people who wish to stay fit and healthy as they age.
The Functional Fitness Solution was developed by Dr. Dan Ritchie and Dr. Cody Sipe. Both highly experienced, credentialed and educated fitness professionals, and physiologists. They have designed this system for mature adults.
Reasons to Stay Fit
There are a lot of great reasons to stay fit, in fact there is a multitude.
Being physical fit and healthy will help protect you against a lot of chronic diseases. Regular exercise will significantly lower the chance of you having heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some kinds of cancer. Improved cardiovascular health will strengthen the heart and will improve blood circulation and reduce hypertension.
Being fit will also help your weight management. Regular exercise will burn a lot of calories. And build muscle mass.
Being fit will also really help your mental health. Regular exercise can trigger the release of endorphins which are a natural stress reliever. This will also enhance you mood in general. Exercise can also stimulate neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine.
Frequent exercise also helps your cognitive function by boosting brain health, enhancing memory and concentration.
Being physical fit will help your energy levels and give you much more vitality. If you are unfit you may feel really sluggish and lethargic whereas being fit will improve your stamina and will help reduce those feelings of fatigue.
You will have a much more improved quality of life when you are fit. You have better mobility with better balance, flexibility and better co-ordination. You will also have a much improved appearance looking more youthful and more energetic.
There are also a lot of great social benefits of being fit. If you find a sport you enjoy you may find a local club dedicated to it where you may meet a lot of new friends, also, traing with a group of like-minded individuals is much more motivating than training on your own.
You are also going to have much more productive days when you are fit. With higher energy levels you will get a lot more done. You will also be more creative and be able to focus and concentrate much more on your work.
Regular exercise is a very simple way to change your entire life. You will enhance many parts of your life if you are fit.
The Importance of a Good Fitness Program
One of the best things you can do for your health (both physical and mental) is to start a fitness program.
One of the best things to do will be to join a local gym. A gym will have all the facilities and equipment that you will need as well as having friendly staff who will be there to give you some tips and advice to help you on your way.
When you start building up your fitness you will look better, feel better, have much more energy throughout your day and have less tiredness and fatigue.
Having a program is really important when you are in a gym, even if you are only trying to get a little fitter. With a program you will have a fitness goal to aim at and work towards, you will know exactly what exercise you will be doing in the gym and will give your workout sessions more structure.
To start with a fitness program the first thing to do will be to assess your current fitness level. It is okay if you are just starting out at the gym and not be very fit at the start; with a good program you’ll soon be flying it.
Next, you’ll need to design your fitness program. Here you’ll need to think about what your goals is. The staff at your gym will be happy to help you out here, they will always be there to give you some advice.
You’ll have to start a routine because consistency is really important. You must work out on a regular basis a few times per week.
Don’t be too intensive at the beginning. Ease yourself into it. Start slowly and steadily progress, you’ll soon begin hitting your targets.
You should monitor your progress. Maybe keep a journal to help you document your progress. If you monitor your progress you will be able to see how you are consistently improving and this can be very motivating.
The Benefits of Joining a Gym
There are a lot of great reasons to join a gym that can significantly help you on your way to physical fitness. In a gym you will find a great variety of fitness and gym equipment.
They have cardio machines like treadmills, ellipticals, rowing machines and a lot more. They’ll also have strength training equipment such as free-weights, weight machines, resistance machines and a lot more.
Gyms are a good structured environment for exercising and working out. A gym is designed to help members be as effective and as efficient as possible. A gym is distraction-free and offers a dedicated space for working out.
A part of the gym being a motivating atmosphere is the social interaction you will have with the gym staff and the other members. A gym will offer the opportunities to meet a lot of new friends.
In a gym you’ll have professional guidance from the gym staff. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and ask them to help you, that’s what they are there for.
You may also find fitness class available to members. These fitness classes may include things like classes on how to properly use the equipment, yoga, Pilates and much more.
Your gym may also provide access to dietician and nutritionists to help you out and to give you guidance. They may also be able to do a fitness test with you that can let you know what kind of program you should adhere to.
The Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer
Having a personal trainer can have a lot of advantages that make it a great option for many people.
With a personal trainer you’ll have someone who can work out a tailored and unique plan for you. The plan will be tailored to your aims and your goals. A personal trainer can also give you adaptability regarding your plan based on your progress, ensuring you are working at your optimal level and that you are making good progress.
A personal trainer will give you guidance on how to use equipment properly and will also coach you on your technique and form. Using the equipment properly will help you avoid injury and will help you maximize your results.
Your personal trainer will be there to educate you. He will show you a lot of interesting and new exercises and he will also be able to inform you of proper diet and nutrition.
A personal trainer can give you a lot of motivation; he will be someone to cheer you on when you are doing well and he will be a great motivator to you when things don’t look so positive. Having a personal trainer can give you the motivation to put yourself through challenging workouts.
A part of motivation is to set goals and track your progress. A trainer will be able to help you set realistic goals based on your current fitness levels and will help you monitor your progress.
Education Resources for Fitness
There are a lot of educational resources for fitness. For those who are serious about their fitness it would be a very look idea to look into some of these.
There are a lot of interesting books available. Whether you are just starting out or if you have a lot of experience you will find a lot of interesting things to read.
There are a lot of books that cover topics like nutrition, various sports, and all aspects of fitness.
There are a lot of magazines and journals that you may find interesting. For example “Mens Health and Womens Health” cover a broad range of fitness topics, from workouts, to nutrition and various wellness tips.
YouTube is an awesome resource. There are YouTube channels and videos about every topic under the sun! No matter what your interest is you are bound to find a YouTube channel that can educate you on it. For Example “Fitness Blender” offers a wide range of workout videos covering a lot of topics including HIIT, Strength training and stretching.
There are a lot of smartphone apps that will help you along your fitness journey. You can get apps that track you diet and your progress and that can provide insights to your calorie and nutrient intake.
Fitbod is an app that can create personalized plan based on your goals and available equipment and C25K will help beginners start running and will help with a structured progression plan.
The Benefits of Finding a Sport You Enjoy
There are a multitude of reasons for finding a sport you enjoy and joing a club dedicated to it. An enjoyable sport will enhance physical and mental well-being.
An enjoyable sport can be very motivation. You are actively doing what you enjoy and you are training with like-minded individuals. Also some sports may have an annual championships which will give you a clear goal to aim for.
An enjoyable sport may also help you develop some skills. For example kickboxing and MMA will teach you a lot of great self-defence move and will also give you a lot of confidence. A sport will also teach other skills such as disciple, independence, leadership and perseverance.
An enjoyable sport can give you a lot of great social interactions. You’ll meet new friends and you’ll build relationships with the people you are training with. A lot of sport clubs have a community feeling and have a welcome sense of belonging. A sports club also has support network of coaches who you can go to for help and advice.
Sports can give you enjoyable and memorable experiences. Sports can take you to new places and to new environments that can be adventurous. For example mountain climbing and hiking can help you appreciate nature and earths beauty.
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